Saturday, July 27, 2024
Right Information At The Right Time


Synonyms of Zest | Substitute Word of Zest

Q: What is the Synonym of Zest? Word: Zest Synonym: Enthusiasm Meaning: Flavor or interest; piquancy.  Read More →

April 9, 2011 | Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 342 views

Synonyms of Zenith | Substitute Word of Zenith

Q: What is the Synonym of Zenith? Word: Zenith Synonym: Point on the celestical sphere vertically above the observer’ s head Meaning: The point on the celestial sphere that is directly above the observer.  Read More →

| Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 187 views

Synonyms of Zealous | Substitute Word of Zealous

Q: What is the Synonym of Zealous? Word: Zealous Synonym: Enthusiastic Meaning: Filled with or motivated by zeal; fervent.  Read More →

| Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 472 views

Synonyms of Yeast | Substitute Word of Yeast

Q: What is the Synonym of Yeast? Word: Yeast Synonym: Substance used in brewing etc. Meaning: Any of various unicellular fungi of the genus Saccharomyces, especially S. cerevisiae, reproducing by budding and from ascospores and capable of fermenting carbohydrates.  Read More →

| Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 464 views

Synonyms of Yearn | Substitute Word of Yearn

Q: What is the Synonym of Yearn? Word: Yearn Synonym: To desire strongly, feel longing for Meaning: To have a strong, often melancholy desire.  Read More →

| Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 856 views

Synonyms of Xenophobic | Substitute Word of Xenophobic

Q: What is the Synonym of Xenophobic? Word: Xenophobic Synonym: Hating religion Meaning: A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.  Read More →

| Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 622 views

Synonyms of Whim | Substitute Word of Whim

Q: What is the Synonym of Whim? Word: Whim Synonym: Sudden notion Meaning: A sudden or capricious idea; a fancy.  Read More →

April 8, 2011 | Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 915 views

Synonyms of Warrant | Substitute Word of Warrant

Q: What is the Synonym of Warrant? Word: Warrant Synonym: Written authorization Meaning: Authorization or certification; sanction, as given by a superior.  Read More →

| Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 24 views

Synonyms of Waggle | Substitute Word of Waggle

Q: What is the Synonym of Waggle? Word: Waggle Synonym: Wobble Meaning: o move (an attached part, for example) with short, quick motions: waggled her foot impatiently.  Read More →

| Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 852 views

Synonyms of Vulcanize | Substitute Word of Vulcanize

Q: What is the Synonym of Vulcanize? Word: Vulcanize Synonym: To strengthen rubber Meaning: To improve the strength, resiliency, and freedom from stickiness and odor of (rubber, for example) by combining with sulfur or other additives in the presence of heat and pressure.  Read More →

| Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 857 views
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