Saturday, July 27, 2024
Right Information At The Right Time


What is aorta in heart?

Aorta is an organ of circulatory system. readmore  Read More →

April 21, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 681 views

What is Reflex Action?

Reflex Action is an activity performed by the peripheral nervous system of human brain in response to certain changes in the environment or the surrounding or by the body itself. It is mostly involuntary and human consent or will is not involved in it. Reflex action is in other words is a counter brain... readmore

April 19, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 175 views

What deficiency of vitamin k causes?

Deficiency of vitamin K causes a perfuse flow of blood from wounds. Vitamin k causes the making of clotting on the wounds.  Read More →

| Shero Naqvi | No Comments | 299 views

What causes the increase of white blood cells?

This increase of white blood corpuscles causes leukemia. readmore  Read More →

| Shero Naqvi | No Comments | 962 views

What are proteins?

Proteins are actually amino acids. readmore  Read More →

| Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 491 views

Which bird is wingless?

Kiwi bird is wingless bird and found in New Zealand. readmore  Read More →

| Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 425 views

What is frog?

Frog is an amphibian. readmore  Read More →

| Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 261 views

Where neurons are placed?

Neurons pertain to nerve cell. readmore  Read More →

| Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 263 views

Where is pertain to Chromosomes?

Chromosomes pertain to heredity. readmore  Read More →

| Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 955 views

Which is the smallest organism?

There are different sizes of organisms in this universe but did you ever think about how much they differ in sizes. Organisms can be gigantic and in the same way organisms can be small like a sand grain. There are a huge number of organisms in the world that have not been discovered yet. On the earth... readmore

| Shero Naqvi | No Comments | 175 views
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