The currency of Macedonia is dinar with an official ISO code of MKD. Dinar is derived from a Roman word “denarius” which was used to be a currency unit. Having a historical heritage and mixed ethnicity, its currency also depicts its diverse cultural values. The most popular exchange rate of Macedonian currency is MKD to USD. The new currency started to be in use in this region from 26 April 1992. Coins of Macedonia’s dinar are circulated in denominations of 50 deni and 1, 2, 5, 10 and 50-dinar coins. Similarly, banknotes of dinar are printed with denominations of 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, and 10,000 denari and these are serving as the official monetary exchange tool in Macedonia since 27 April 1992. The design and art on these Macedonia’s currency notes are the reflection of brief history of this region. The Sasho Josifovski, Borce Nikolovski and Borce Todorovski presented the script and design of second series notes. Another amazing fact of these currency notes is that the name of currency does not appear on notes because these were printed before the adoption of Monetary Unit Law. Similarly, the issuer of these notes is known as the National Bank of Macedonia in spite of the current National Bank of Republic of Macedonia.

Macedonia Currency Dinar

April 7, 2011 | Afifa Gillani | No Comments | 946 views